Amara Advocacy in the US

As you know, Amba/APU is currently fighting very hard for the passage of HR 128 and SR 168.  For those of you, who want to know the exact wording of these resolutions, the links are presented below.

  1. House Resolution 128: Supporting respect for human rights and encouraging inclusive governance in Ethiopia (HR 128)

    Specifically, this resolution addresses the atrocities committed against us Amharas in two places:

    • Whereas the Ethiopian Human Rights Council reported 102 deaths by April 2016 and Human Rights Watch subsequently reported that the Ethiopian security forces had killed between 500 and 800 peaceful protestors in the Oromia and Amhara regions by November 2016, and the number is likely higher;
    • (C) conduct a full, credible, and transparent investigation into the killings and instances of excessive use of force that took place as a result of protests in the Oromia and Amhara regions and hold security forces accountable for wrongdoing through public proceedings;

  2. Senate Resolution 168: A resolution supporting respect for human rights and encouraging inclusive governance in Ethiopia.(SR 168)

  Specifically, this resolution tries to address the atrocities committed against us the Amharas in the following article:

   (D) conduct a full, credible, and transparent investigation into the killings, detentions, and instances of excessive use of force that took place in response to protests in the Oromia and Amhara regions and hold accountable security forces accused of such actions through publ